Gulliver's Travels, 1939 film

Gulliver's Travels is an animated feature film which story is based on the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. The film was directed by Dave Fleischer and released on December, 1939.

On November 5, 1699, Gulliver (voiced by Sam Parker) washes onto Lilliput, after a shipwreck. While scouting the forest, the town crier 'Gabby' (voiced by Pinto Colvig), finds Gulliver unconscious body and rushes to warn the ruler of Lilliput, King Little (voiced by Jack Mercer). At this time, Little and his friend, King Bombo (voiced by Tedd Pierce) of Blefuscu, are planning to marry Princess Glory of Lilliput (voiced by Jessica Dragonette) to Prince David of Blefuscu (voiced by Lanny Ross). When they argue over which song is to play at the wedding, Bombo declares war. ... Read More >>